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Have you ever thought that we have been living in a bull crap idea of patience? That we have been using a universal rule that was lying to us?

We all grew up to the notion that you should be patient, that you should wait for better days. Our parents and teachers saying "Oh baby be patient, life happens, be patient, it tends to work out", might I say that is just overrated and it is an idea that should be swept under the rug.

Patience in life doesn't at all improve the odds of success. It has become the weakest idea that is still growing in the culture scape today.

Many successful figures in this world did not get to where they are with patience. It might look like it is, but look carefully. Look at Elon Musk, The man had three rocket launch failures, slept in his office, had plenty of struggles, do you think he was patient and said everything will work out? NO!! The man woke every day with the mindset that he is gonna grind, he is going to work, He will put out his hundred hours a week of Hard and Painful work full of emotions and thought, and that is what will increase his odds of success.

You should never be patient with life,You should always stick it out, No matter how tough the freaking work is, It is what must be settled to get your lazy self up the platter. "Success is rented, and payment is due every day".

The truth is that nothing comes to those who wait, screw it, you could be waiting for the rest of your freaking life and still nothing will work, You could be waiting with faith and here is another thing I would like to mention but it is a story for another day,Your Faith Won't Work When You Wait On It, It Works When You Put In Effort.

"FAITH FUNCTIONS BEST WHEN YOU DONT KNOW", But you have to give in EFFORT, and Some Damn Pain, Nothing comes easy and nothing comes in time, everything comes to the playmakers, You can NEVER cheat THE GRIND.

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Blog By: Lawrence Ramothata

Moderated By Lesego Matsapola

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